Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Jumping Back In

I haven't blogged anything for about 2 months (give or take) and I think I'm finally ready to get back into the swing of things.  You may have seen that my last post 'Vacation' stated that I had been really busy hosting a home stay from Japan so I didn't have much time for blogging.  Anyway my life has been a crazy mess this past month so I took some time to re-evaluate and give myself some time away before jumping back in.

On August 20th my Grandma passed away.  I can't believe that this happened so soon, my Grandpa passed away in January 2011 and it feels all too soon that my family is going through this again.  When my Grandpa passed away everyone was in a rush, all of the grandkids had to go back to college, the adults had to go back to work, and decisions had to made quickly.  We were given a little bit more time when it came to my Grandma's passing but it still feels like everything happened too fast.

Anyway, since she passed away I've been toying with the idea of dedicating a post to her but haven't been able to find the words.   There are so many memories and stories that I want to relive but time is just moving on.  So instead of forcing myself to explain any further or write down words that I don't have yet, I'm simply going to try and move forward.  Maybe I will sometime in the future or maybe I won't.  

I didn't intend for this post to be so deep and mournful but there isn't really any other way to describe where my head & heart have been for the past few months.

With this time away has come a new itch for blogging, new inspiration, and new ideas.  I have so many ideas for posts that I can't wait to get started.  Thank you for coming on this journey with me and thank you for allowing me to express myself the best way I know how, so let's jump back in shall we?

me & my sister with my grandma & her sister


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